
(VÍDEO) Aplazan para el 1 de junio juicio de lavado de activo a JESÚS PASCUAL CABRERA RUIZ

La Romana RD

Mientras que su abogado y hermano Julin cabrera le pide a la suprema corte de justicia que saque el caso de la región este completa ya que los jueces le han manifestado que están siendo presionado e incluso amenazado hasta de cancelación si fallan a favor del imputado cabrera

Vea el vídeo para mas detalles:

Publicado por-Ricardo Rosario

2 comentarios:

  1. Do this hack to drop 2 lbs of fat in 8 hours

    Over 160 000 men and women are losing weight with a simple and secret "liquids hack" to drop 2lbs each and every night as they sleep.

    It is effective and it works every time.

    This is how to do it yourself:

    1) Go get a clear glass and fill it half glass

    2) Now follow this weight loss hack

    and you'll become 2lbs skinnier the very next day!

  2. As reported by Stanford Medical, It's in fact the SINGLE reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 19 KG less than we do.

    (Just so you know, it is not related to genetics or some secret diet and absolutely EVERYTHING about "how" they are eating.)

    P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

    CLICK on this link to determine if this easy questionnaire can help you decipher your real weight loss possibility
